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Romance (2021)
Bayla Records / Galileo Music
JAZZTHETIK Magazin (Deutschland) Mai/Juni 2021
DE: "Die Sängerin versteht es vollendet, Gefühle in Töne zu verwandeln - und umgekehrt."
EN: “The singer knows perfectly how to transform feelings into sounds - and vice versa.”
(Victoriah Szirmai)
EN: “The singer knows perfectly how to transform feelings into sounds - and vice versa.”
(Victoriah Szirmai)
Concerto Magazin (Österreich) - 2/2021
DE: "Musikalisch vielfältig, mit Gesang, Gitarren und Akkordeon, mit neuen Arrangements und zahlreichen Improvisationspassagen versehen."
EN: "Musically diverse, with voice, guitars and accordion, with new arrangements and numerous improvisation passages."
(Werner Leiss)
EN: "Musically diverse, with voice, guitars and accordion, with new arrangements and numerous improvisation passages."
(Werner Leiss)
AUGUSTIN Boulevardzeitung (Österreich) - 7. April 2021
DE: "<Romance> ist ein wunderbares Antidepressivum, eine so selbstverständlich wie vielfältig dahinfließende Musik. Eine intensive, lohnende, weit reichende, einstündige Klangreise."
EN: "<Romance> is a wonderful antidepressant, music that flows as naturally as it is diverse. An intense, rewarding, far-reaching, one-hour sound journey. "
(Rainer Krispel)
EN: "<Romance> is a wonderful antidepressant, music that flows as naturally as it is diverse. An intense, rewarding, far-reaching, one-hour sound journey. "
(Rainer Krispel)
Bayerischer Rundfunk - Feature im Interkulturellen Magazin am 05.02.2021
DE: "Mit ihrer sinnlichen, warmen Stimme verwandelt Diana Rasina traditionelles Liedgut mit Hilfe passender Arrangements in etwas Neues und doch Vertrautes."
En: “With her sensual, warm voice, Diana Rasina transforms traditional songs with the help of suitable arrangements into something new and yet familiar.”
(Julia Smilga)
En: “With her sensual, warm voice, Diana Rasina transforms traditional songs with the help of suitable arrangements into something new and yet familiar.”
(Julia Smilga)
hifi & records - das Magazin für hochwertige Musikwiedergabe (Deutschland) - 2/2021
DE: "Diana Rasina singt sie mit ausdrucksvoller Wehmut, die es rechtfertigt, den Albumtitel mit <Romantik> zu übersetzen."
EN: Diana Rasina sings with expressive melancholy, which justifies translating the album title as <romance>."
(Winfried Dulisch)
EN: Diana Rasina sings with expressive melancholy, which justifies translating the album title as <romance>."
(Winfried Dulisch)
Melodiva (Deutschland) - Februar/März 2021
DE: "Mit großer Leidenschaft macht sich Rasina die Originale zu eigen. Im Zusammenspiel mit ihren virtuosen Begleitern wird aus einer Liedersammlung quer durch die Epochen, Kulturen und Genres ein harmonisches Ganzes und großes Hörvergnügen."
EN: "With great passion, Rasina makes the originals her own. In interaction with her virtuoso accompanists, a collection of songs across the ages, cultures and genres becomes a harmonious whole and great listening pleasure.”
(Mane Stelzer)
EN: "With great passion, Rasina makes the originals her own. In interaction with her virtuoso accompanists, a collection of songs across the ages, cultures and genres becomes a harmonious whole and great listening pleasure.”
(Mane Stelzer)
Medienhaus Bauer (Deutschland) - 02.02.2021
DE: "Wie sie hier nur von Akkordeon und Gitarre, mit Herzblut die Musik der Troubadoure im Süden Frankreichs interpretiert, portugiesischen Fado, rumänische Traditionals oder Lieder aus Korsika, Sizilien, diversen spanischen Regionen singt, ist einfach zauberhaft schönes musikalisches Seelenfutter."
EN:" The way she interprets with her heart and soul, only accompanied by accordion and guitar, the music of the troubadours in the south of France, singing Portuguese fado, Romanian traditionals or songs from Corsica, Sicily, various Spanish regions, is simply magically beautiful musical soul fodder."
EN:" The way she interprets with her heart and soul, only accompanied by accordion and guitar, the music of the troubadours in the south of France, singing Portuguese fado, Romanian traditionals or songs from Corsica, Sicily, various Spanish regions, is simply magically beautiful musical soul fodder."
Nadann - Ohrenschmauch (Deutschland) - 21.01.2021
DE: "Diana Rasina greift bevorzugt auf traditionelles Liedgut zurück, verwendet Klassisches im passenden Arrangement und für mich als Höhepunkte die überzeugende Interpretation des Fado-Klassikers ‚Solidao‘ und eine wirklich innige Version von Jacques Brel’s ‚Ne me quitte pas‘."
EN: "Diana Rasina prefers to fall back on traditional songs, uses classics in the right arrangement and, for me as highlights, the convincing interpretation of the Fado classic 'Solidao' and a really intimate version of Jacques Brel’s 'Ne me quitte pas'."
EN: "Diana Rasina prefers to fall back on traditional songs, uses classics in the right arrangement and, for me as highlights, the convincing interpretation of the Fado classic 'Solidao' and a really intimate version of Jacques Brel’s 'Ne me quitte pas'."
Romanian tales (2015)
Bayla Records / Galileo Music
Songlines (UK) - March 2016
Exquisite traditional tunes from a gifted vocalist
“Romanian Tales is a strong album and certainly marks Diana Rasina as a name to look out for. (...) With most contemporary Romanian music relying on electronic pop in its arrangements it is a pleasure to hear Rasina backed only by cimbalom, kaval (shepherd’s flute) and double bass. (...) She feels her way into these songs, exploring tunes from different regions in Romania, celebrating each song for its beauty and attempting to convey the emotional weight.”
Garth Cartwright)
“Romanian Tales is a strong album and certainly marks Diana Rasina as a name to look out for. (...) With most contemporary Romanian music relying on electronic pop in its arrangements it is a pleasure to hear Rasina backed only by cimbalom, kaval (shepherd’s flute) and double bass. (...) She feels her way into these songs, exploring tunes from different regions in Romania, celebrating each song for its beauty and attempting to convey the emotional weight.”
Garth Cartwright)
Concerto Magazin (Österreich) - Oktober 2015
DE: “Romanian Tales ist das erste Album der rumänischen, in Wien lebenden Sängerin Diana Rasina. Sie bietet einen Überblick über die musikalische Folklore Rumäniens. Das gelingt ihr durchgehend klischeebefreit und mit beeindruckender Stimme.” (leiss)
EN: “Romanian Tales is the first album by the Romanian singer Diana Rasina, who lives in Vienna. She offers an overview of the musical folklore of Romania and she succeeds in doing this without clichés and with an impressive voice.”
(Werner Leiss)
EN: “Romanian Tales is the first album by the Romanian singer Diana Rasina, who lives in Vienna. She offers an overview of the musical folklore of Romania and she succeeds in doing this without clichés and with an impressive voice.”
(Werner Leiss)
publik ver.di (Deutschland) - 6/2015
DE: “Ein Sound, der einerseits tief in der Tradition wurzelt und dabei zugleich frappierend zeitlos ist. (...) Damit sorgt Rasina nicht nur für klangliche Extravaganz, sondern schafft gleichzeitig eine nahtlose Verbindung von ländlicher Ursprünglichkeit und großstädtischer Finesse”.
EN: “A sound that is on the one hand deeply rooted in tradition and at the same time strikingly timeless. (...) Rasina not only ensures sound extravagance, but at the same time creates a seamless connection between rural originality and metropolitan finesse”.
(Peter Rixen)
EN: “A sound that is on the one hand deeply rooted in tradition and at the same time strikingly timeless. (...) Rasina not only ensures sound extravagance, but at the same time creates a seamless connection between rural originality and metropolitan finesse”.
(Peter Rixen)
fRoots magazine (UK) - February 2016
“This was the first new CD to be played in this house in 2016 and it could end up being one of the best. (...) The outstanding thing about the album is the high quality of the singing and musicianship.”
(Vic Smith)
(Vic Smith)
Blogfoolk (Italy) - March 2016
IT: ““Nelle dodici tracce di Romanian Tales viene tracciato un gradevole percorso, caratterizzato dall’esecuzione della suggestiva voce della cantante. La linearità degli arrangiamenti dà vita ad atmosfere incantate, dolci, quasi da favola, enfatizzate dalle particolari sonorità del cimbalom. (...) La fresca e diretta vocalità di Diana Rasina, accompagnata da validi musicisti, incarna in modo autentico i sentimenti e gli stati d'animo cui i brani si ispirano.”
EN: “In the twelve tracks of Romanian Tales a pleasant path is traced, characterized by the performance of the singer's suggestive voice. The linearity of the arrangements gives life to enchanted, sweet, almost fairytale atmospheres, emphasized by the particular sounds of the cimbalom. (...) “Romanian Tales” is a pleasant work, halfway between joy and melancholy. The fresh and direct voice of Diana Rasina, accompanied by valid musicians, authentically embodies the feelings and moods that inspire the songs.”
(Carla Visca)
EN: “In the twelve tracks of Romanian Tales a pleasant path is traced, characterized by the performance of the singer's suggestive voice. The linearity of the arrangements gives life to enchanted, sweet, almost fairytale atmospheres, emphasized by the particular sounds of the cimbalom. (...) “Romanian Tales” is a pleasant work, halfway between joy and melancholy. The fresh and direct voice of Diana Rasina, accompanied by valid musicians, authentically embodies the feelings and moods that inspire the songs.”
(Carla Visca)
Nadann / Ohrenschmauch (Deutschland) - Oktober 2015
DE: “Diana Rasina und ihr Ensemble präsentieren rumänische Volksmusik -Tradition mit einer großen Portion Musikalität und handwerklicher Finesse, die der von aufführenden Jazz-Musikern nahe steht.”
EN: “Diana Rasina and her ensemble present Romanian folk music tradition with a large portion of musicality and craftsmanship that is close to that of performing jazz musicians.”
EN: “Diana Rasina and her ensemble present Romanian folk music tradition with a large portion of musicality and craftsmanship that is close to that of performing jazz musicians.”
Revista Caramella (Catalonia/Spain) - 35/2016
CAT: “On Diana Rasina fa palesa la seva fantàstica capacitat vocal és a dues cancons interpretades a capella: Cine m-aude cantand i Pasaruca di pa muntie.”
EN: “Where Diana Rasina shows her fantastic vocal ability is in two songs performed a cappella Cine m-aude cantand and Pasaruca di pa muntie.”
(Ferran Riera)
EN: “Where Diana Rasina shows her fantastic vocal ability is in two songs performed a cappella Cine m-aude cantand and Pasaruca di pa muntie.”
(Ferran Riera)
Folker (Deutschland) - 1/2016
DE: “Diana Rasinas warme Stimme kennt viele Nuancen und das Pathos der a capella Gesänge.”
EN: "Diana Rasina's warm voice knows many nuances and the pathos of a cappella chants."
EN: "Diana Rasina's warm voice knows many nuances and the pathos of a cappella chants."
Zeitungshaus Bauer (Deutschland) - Dezember 2015
DE: “Zu entdecken gibt es mit Diana Rasina eine neue, glockenklare Stimme aus Rumänien.”
EN: "With Diana Rasina there is a new, bell-clear voice from Romania to be discovered."
EN: "With Diana Rasina there is a new, bell-clear voice from Romania to be discovered."
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